TEMP-Coaching with Richard Grillenbeck

I am with you during your changes and you get your projects done.

Average day? Time for a coach!

About me

After my degree in computer science I worked as assistant teacher at Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen. To better support my students I subscribed to an online coaching course at CoachU (USA) in 1995 already.

I got self-employed after almost five years at the university and soon got certified as trainer.

Since 1998 I have been supporting clients in many international change-management projects. I speak English and German in my trainings, workshops and coachings.

Keeping me up-to-date to better serve you as my clients is a regular task visiting seminars, congresses and similar.

I am married; we have one son. Since I love and even need music in my daily life I enjoy playing the accordeon.


As a coach I support you in

  • Solving problems,
  • reaching goals and
  • getting decisions made.

You get my support in getting your action plans done and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Entrepreneurs, artists and managers in companies know the importance of having someone out there who sees what happens and to coach private and business lifes.

Every coach is a consultant but few consultants are coaches.



Learn more about international team coaching and business coaching on my page www.business-coach.de.

Your Warranty

Selecting me as your coach is a good choice not only because of my profound education (NLP-master, doctoral degree in computer assisted learning; train-the-trainer,  coaching and pychological counseler courses).

As a member of the Ethic-Commitee of International Coaching Federation Charter Chapter Germany I pledge commitment to the code of ethics of ICF. In my coaching contracts you can find proven accountability to these.

I coach you honestly, reliable, with all my heart, soul  and mind.


What would you do if your biggest issue was solved? Let's talk about it in our first non-binding meeting. Please use the contact form. Looking forward to talking to you!